The First 4 Steps In The San Diego Home Building Process

image of home and plans, and things to think about.

The process of building a custom home can seem confusing and overwhelming when you’re going in alone and those feelings are understandable. However, the process can be simple and straightforward when you approach it correctly in the beginning and have the right team by your side. This article will give you insight into the first 4 steps of your project's process in motion.

1. Determine Your Vision

The first step in this process is to develop your vision of the home at a high level. This would be the way you describe what you’re looking to build to potential partners, so they understand what your goal is and align on expectations. Everything is possible when you’re building a custom home. However, considering your custom home budget, you will need to make some decisions about location, size, and amenities which will steer the team in a general direction. It is important to devote some time up front to answer some questions for yourself, so you can approach your prospective team with the necessary details they will need to give you an accurate understanding of costs associated with building a home and timing.

Consider the following questions:

  • Where do you want to live?

    • Do you want to live in a certain city or near a certain city? Would you prefer to stay in the city you’re in now or are you open to new areas?

  • How much land are you looking for?

    • Do you have a certain acreage in mind for the land your custom home will sit on? How much extra land space do you want aside from the actual space for the home?

  • How much house do you want to build?

    • Is there a certain square footage you want? Are there any special things you want in your custom home that will affect how big or small your house is?

  • What’s the all-in budget?

    • How much do you want to spend to build a house?

  • What are my must-haves?

    • What are the most important parts of the custom home? Are there areas you’re willing to splurge on? Which areas would you like to cut down on costs?

Your vision is just a starting point, you don’t need to have every detail set because you have time to work with your builder to figure out the details. Additionally, you’ll most likely get inspiration along the way as you assemble your team and look at some of their other work. Some builders bring creativity to the table, some just want to execute. You’ll want someone at your side who is taking your requirements, but also adding additional detail.

2. Assemble Your Team

The most critical step in the process is assembling the right team of experts you can trust and guide you in building your custom home. At the very start, you will need a real estate agent and a home builder (A-licensed general engineering contractor) from the beginning to help you navigate the process and ensure that the land you are looking at is feasible for your vision.

A real estate agent will help you find land that suits your personal needs, evaluate comparable properties in the area, and negotiate a fair price. The home builder will help you define the profile of the land you are seeking and help you understand any improvements that need to be made to make the land feasible. It’s critical to choose the right home builder because you will quickly need a complete feasibility check on the land to understand any risks of the project and ensure that the custom home you plan to build is possible. If your home builder has an A-license, they will be able to conduct this feasibility check themselves. If not, you may have to add a civil engineer or land consultant to the team.  Partnering with the right home builder can save you time, which is important given the hot market in San Diego.

As you can imagine, finding the right team of experts can be challenging because of the industry's fragmented nature. Buildable streamlines this entire process and provides you with the right experts at the right time to ensure that you make the best decisions along the way, which will ultimately lead you to your perfect custom home. Everyone on our team will provide you with the necessary insights into the project and guide you through the process from beginning to end.

Here are a few questions to ask your home builder:

  • Can you tell me about your home-building experience?

    • How many homes have you built? What kind of license do you have? Would you be able to provide me with references from previous clients?

  • Can you provide me with references?

    • Can you provide me references from any previous customers? Can I see a home your currently working on or previously delivered?

  • Can you give me an idea about features and finishes that are standard in your builds?

    • What level of appliances are included? What are examples of standard finishes? What should I expect?

3. Find A Lot

Once you have a vision for your custom home, you need to work with a real estate agent to find potential lots in your area that will allow you to execute your vision.

  • How much of my budget do I want to spend on the land?

    • How important is the location you want? Would you rather spend extra to get the perfect spot and sacrifice other aspects of the budget? Or vice versa?

  • How large of a lot is right for me?

    • Do you require a certain amount of space? Would you rather have less land to maintain? 

  • Do I want to be close or far away from neighbors?

    • How close or far do you want to be from any neighbors? Is there a minimum distance you’d like to be from other homes?

  • What features of the land are must-haves?

    • What is the most important thing to me about this land? Does it need to have a view? Does it need to have a large backyard? Does it need to be close to locations you often visit, like work and the grocery store?

4. Determine the feasibility of the land

Each potential lot that you’re seriously considering for your custom home will need to be evaluated against your vision. Some lots may not be feasible for everything you want to build into your home, so working with an A-licensed contractor, civil engineer, or land consultant to complete these checks is very important.

  • Can I build a house and fulfill my vision on this land?

    • Will zoning requirements in this area pose any problems? Do the natural features of the land impact the project at all? 

  • Do all the proper utilities run to the lot?

    • Will I be able to get water, electric, gas, sewer, Internet, and any other utilities I need if I build a house on this land? How much will it cost to access these utilities?

  • What improvements need to be made to the land?

    • How much grading is required? Are there any regulations that impact the driveway length or size? Will any particular improvements cost above and beyond the norm?

These four steps are pivotal when you’re building a home because you want to be efficient with your time and mitigate any potential risks down the line — all of this is impossible, even for the most experienced people in construction, to do alone. Many people find themselves asking how to find a builder, a real estate agent, an A-licensed contractor, and all of the other people you need on your side. By working with the Buildable team, all of these experts are at your fingertips. Everyone will come into the process at the right time to ensure you’re making the right decisions and building a home that you can call yours. 

Additional Reading


How to Start Building a Custom Home in California


Lot vs Home Prices in San Diego, CA